Monday, November 8, 2010

Cake Pops and Pie Pops

Here are the pics.. for the cake pops that I made for Ru & U's bake sale at their school.. If you haven't heard of these delicious treats, they are cake balls on a stick with hard chocolate/candy coating and some sprinkles on top..

And Some Pie Pops too.. I am getting obsessed with these lollipop sticks now... (HELP!)  I wanna make some cookies on these sticks now...should I attempt???

These are pretty simple to make. I will post the step by step instructions on the cookbook page soon! If you want it soon-ER, feel free to bug me and rush me until you see the recipe posted :D

Also, I tried making some cupcake bites as well..

1 comment:

JV said...

Yummmy!!!! Deliciousooooo!!!!!! :)