Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Turtle was Rescued...

Guess what we found in the pool? A little stranded turtle struggling to get out of the water..Hubby decided to bring it home for a couple of hours so N and R could see it as well since they were still in school. After a quick look-up, we decided to give him some veggies that I had on hand. We kept him in my fish bowl. (Yes, that same fish bowl that used to have my two poor fish!). I had not told the kids about this little surprise and they indeed were excited. N wanted to hold it in her hand right away and she sure did. Then R wanted to follow suit while S was hiding behind anything and everything she could find yet secretly admiring him. About half an hour later,hubby and kids went to the pool side and let him back in the woods and to wish him good luck hoping he would find his family again.
Later that day, N decided to write a report on her findings of the little turtle. She did well. One day when I get around to it, I may scan it and upload it. Yes, one day!!

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